Monday, April 16, 2007

Congratulations Messages Baby

A big country

This, and many other very bad, is the largest country from which all go, prostrating and foaming at the mouth because it seems the Left ' only one who can bring new wealth to the economic superpowers.
Nobody asked either to account for human rights nor the yellow knit nor to anyone who can come in handy for the holy world economy.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Christian Sympathy Card

Also I'm with Emergency

I refer to what is written by ll on the issue of abduction of Mastrogiacomo and the role of emergency.
Go Gino!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

American Swimsuit Mishaps

Rape, wear, road safety (ie change propspettiva)

few weeks ago. Cascine Park, Florence. A great park, green area of \u200b\u200ba city ever crapped because of smog, traffic, noise and crazy prices. A park operated by municipalities as "what they" banned in organized activities, concerts and the like. Events that, according to the enlightened political citizens, would damage the beautiful lawns of the park and make it difficult to ensure the safety of those present.
In fact, some farms park weeks ago, a woman attacked ... beaten ... raped. This happens often. Day and night, because the park prohibited (only to law-abiding citizens) is chock full of scum, a gang of criminals, drugs and prostitution. With the connivance of the indifference of the city council.
The company is running I am told. Yes, but ... we must change perspective. Denouncing the administration and especially the Mayor Domenici for aiding and abetting in the rape, drug dealing, violence, prostitution.
Not many days ago. Southern Italy, around the wear discovered by the police. Fallen into the network entrepreneurs, fathers, people common working, which splits the browns every single day to survive and when it sees other alternative is for the crocodiles that everyone knows but no one addresses.
What people are crying foul from many quarters. Yes, but ... we must change perspective. Bring to court, along with alligators, even the government and banks. The first because it does not make laws to help law-abiding citizens to survive economically, because they deny and reject the second loan and trust at all, except the criminals (and logs, real estate agents to assault, etc.)..
few days ago. Northern Italy, boys filmed while rushing speed supersonic on the streets of their city. Scandal, sociological studies, responses from the characters of the intelligentsia: the boys have more points of reference, and then rushing at 180 .. 200 .. 240 per hour to feel important and filled with adrenaline. If these are the civil society of tomorrow, poor us! exclaim many. Yes, but ... we must change perspective. Denounce the governments (national and local) that force us to use the machine as and when it suits them, not the automakers to build vehicles safe, clean and slow. Denouncing the automakers that do not respect speed limits and for show, in proclamations and marketing, and death benefits from travel.
If we are not willing to risk presenting complaints in person and weigh heavy on empty heads and / or unbecoming of the lords of anything ... if we are not prepared then you might as well continue to be silent, sit, immobile and unarmed, in front of the TV to hear a voice that announces another joke, another piece of the civilized world that has come apart irreparably.