Thursday, October 2, 2008

Spinning Reel Instructions

1 - Legends of Ricordi

.. Rimettiamoci mesh times are about to change ...
So sang a mournful and inspired wrought as ever during this time many people have already slipped the shirt if spontaneously, others were forced by hunger and insecurity. It 's a close-meshed, very dark. I do not know whether that is black but it certainly is very dark and broken here and there with red spots. Patches of abuse, gangs, injustices, opportunities, and much more.
The wind blows strong memories of the worst. We are not still free from the ghosts of the 40s of last century and already we are forced to Lower the head meekly, suggesting otherwise drift professional, financial, social.
nobody talks about it and this is the aspect that most frightens me and makes me think. I do not claim to predict the future nor be able to photograph the historic moment as it grows. It 's a daunting task and often make erroneous assessments, but it is certainly not difficult for those who are more attentive to the world around him, make sure that in these last 10-15 years there have been a number of skillful maneuvers by a handpiece (not really small, and not just politically) to "very good" that tended to undermine the conscience and again heads from the direction of democracy, human rights and duties of the state. In this dirty game
many politicians have wallowed wallow and extremely comfortable, especially the political party that has more familiarity with the black, with disarming the guilty and the participation of other political and institutional categories for personal convenience, in whole or in deficiency able to calculate election have now decided that certain values \u200b\u200bwere saved and therefore no longer be proclaimed and defended.
The winds, now it is very cold, bring the worst memories in many everyday actions and makes them alive with a similarity of color and vivacity that if it were a painting would be enchanted. Since the life I remain astounded shocked and frightened.