Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Drivers' License In Columbus

conjunction Moon - January 4, 2009

On the night of 4 January at 01:30 you can watch the rapprochement between the Moon and the Pleiades. Approaching the greater of 1.8 °

Basic Parts Of A Sailboat

Pleiades Conjunction Moon - Venus, 30 January 2009

On January 30, 2009 you can watch the Moon-Venus conjunction. At 20:30
will be spaced about 3.5 °

Monday, January 19, 2009

Brazilian Wax Fredericton Nb

M3 - NGC 5272

M3 is a globular cluster of the most beautiful of magnitude 5.9
It is not visible to the naked eye but can already be seen with binoculars as a fuzzy star ...
the telescope will resolve more stars.


Messier Number: 3
NGC Number: 5272
Magnitude: 5.9
Constellation: Bootes
Type: Globular Cluster
Dimensions: 16.2 '
Distance: 27,000 light years
Coordinates: RA 13h 42m - D. +28 ° 23 '