Sunday, February 15, 2009

Refurbishing An Aluminum Boat

Wide Field

Orion Wide Field ..

3 sec:

3 sec

Image of Orion Snav taken from Rome ..

Friday, February 13, 2009

Examples Of Wedding Program Verbiage

Orion Orion SkyWatcher

Wide Field:



3 seconds of exposure.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stream South Park Megabideo

presents the new Mak-Newton MN190



Maksutov-Newtonian reflector telescope D: 190mm / F: 1000mm (f/5.26). Focuser Crayford with 50.8 mm 31.8 mm reducer. Finderscope 9x50 Erect Image with. Five internal baffles to improve contrast. Rings and dovetail bar. Weight: 12 Kg

Instrument Description: The new

Maksutov-Newtonian Telescope Sky-Watcher is the model that astrophotographers and observers were waiting for faint objects. The Maksutov-Newtonian optical design combines the best features of Newton and the Maksutov-Cassegrain to create an optical system with superb image quality and a wider field plane without chromatic aberration. All with a tube but not too big a cost far lower than that of apochromatic refractors. The stars appear to point in the whole field, and for that reason, this telescope is particularly suitable for photography with large rooms with sensors (such as digital SLR). Intubation is robust and 5 internal baffles improve the contrast by eliminating the internal reflections. The primary mirror is Pyrex ® low thermal expansion for a time reduction acclimatamento.Confrontato Schmidt-Newton telescopes with similar diameter, the Maksutov-Newton provides a more contrasted. In addition, the Maksutov-Newton is an excellent tool for visual use.

is recommended to mount the tube on a sturdy frame. To view

-> Min HEQ5

For Photography -> Min EQ6

The price of the MDGs is: 1265 €

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fotos De Beauty Salon

Conjunction Moon-Venus and some evidence of wide-field

And what to say ... after all this rain, perpetually gray skies and seemingly devoid of life, this afternoon the weather was clement and around 18:30 decided to do something that was not long :
In anticipation of this "event", I had already prepared psychologically and an instrumental (with a little optimism) to the beautiful conjunction between the Moon and the "star the evening ", so at 19 I loaded everything and I started looking for a place clear to the west, although the stars were about 30 degrees so easy to photograph, but I wanted space and dark.

Here are the original results, as I can not elaborate and I know that only combined damage (and still are my first pictures with the camera to the sky and feel the sky ^ ^ 7) made with the Canon EOS 1000D 28-90 and objective.

1) 1sec ISO-1600 f / 9 2) 2 sec ISO-200 f / 4

Then, not content have challenged the luck once I look up to heaven and know with great astonishment that the sky is completely clear ... so I can not resist a few shots and the deep sky and constellations (click!)

The Toro with storage near the red giant Aldebaran of the Hyades (which is not part) and, at a safe distance at the top right M45, which shows all its splendor in the sky

6 sec Iso -1600 f / 4 L

' Auriga (or driver) almost at its zenith, dominating the sky with its bright star Capella in it ... hundreds of little star come to life ( in the second image are marked M36-M37-M38 ... I do not believe it myself ... I swear! )

6 sec ISO-1600 f / 4

Unfortunately, my time was ending, but what was missing?? Well ... Orion, unfortunately the lights down and dirty close. The constellation of the warrior is great, makes the picture very familiar to me as often see the star charts stilizzate.Betelgeuse, another red giant, immediately catches the attention while at the top left, bottom, is known to be very Orion Nebula M42, in the first pic, in the second, the particular stands in the center dominated by the nebular belt of the warrior.

6 sec ISO-1600 f / 4

I think after this much culata not see the sky and its stars for quite a while '^ ^
I am pleased with these first results ... on top!

Hello hello