Friday, January 28, 2011

The Replacements Hentie

The article in La Stampa . com, which I share below, speaks of a book: "Alone Together" (Alone together), written by Sherry Turkle, a psychologist and director of the 'Initiative on Technology and Self "MIT.
After 15 years of research and studies on the effects that technology has on social relations, the author describes what I like to call the "Loneliness of the avatar", the radical change in the interaction between humans .
The development of a distance-related emotions, rules and conduct anti-body, which in the distance are a source of satisfaction. The antithesis of the embrace. The denial of corpalità in favor of an understanding psychological unrivaled.
In Second Life we \u200b\u200bare accustomed to meetings of souls are on the agenda. That this marriage can substitute for a stable emotional pleasures to which the other senses we have always used, it does not seem feasible ... but what am I saying? I AM ONLY PIXEL:) =

Causes Of Broken Capillaries In Babies

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bath Bath With No Suction Cup

We chose a poem from the pen of a born Italian writer Primo Levi, "If This Is a Man" as the poster of this exhibition that comes from the active collaboration of a group of Italians The idea was born several months ago, when no one myoo spoke to me then that this was all in his mind and then slowly began to materialize. Hence the idea of \u200b\u200ba theme exhibition about the Holocaust in an environment like the Garden of Free Art that seemed well suited to such an argument. Then the ideas followed one after the other with the enthusiasm that only matters that may raise heard. None of the sculpture has joined the Kicca Igaly, but why not add to two works also immersive photographic works by the same artistic value? Here is the contact with Icarus Robbiani who accepted the bet-the-fly, by involving itself more creative (Mila Tatham, Rodriguez Imako, Lipsko Loopen, Riri Bazar, Buffy Holfi) who helped him to realize the image he had in his mind ...
But an exhibition in Second Life can be a total experience without too much difficulty ... and then signed, with the help of Grazietta Cazenove, has started to look thick literary texts to be proposed to support the event and a real life stage actor, quixotic Growing up, he offered to read them immersed in these works, while a person close to me in real you are involved in the selection of music that will accompany the exhibition, which will be passed on by Storm Blauvelt sl ...
few words were enough to turn us all excited to be able to somehow help to "never forget" ... so we ended up almost by magic, without any major exchange of words, also joined in the message that this show wants to convey a message of hope, which leaked everywhere as always love for life ...
Simba Schumann

After this long and exhaustive presentation I can be brief and concise in saying that the land of the Free Art today in Memorial Day has done much more to remember! And own a real flashback 40 years in the most atrocious and sank deep wounds of Europe where the whole world, even if the art of second life I've always said is "sterile" if extrapolated graphically speaking of his place and made of pixels on paper ... in the virtual and always makes a suggestion beyond the control of rationality, everything is custom avatar that explores the space and the size "in person" and then today I feel myself a deportation, not a visit to an exhibition and is haunting the theater facilities, but deported to a camp extermination.
I unfortunately missed the moments of the event with music and audio stories that I have been an additional means to understand, even in 2011, the barbarity of an age that is too remote, but I saw so many people around I think and this is enough for me to understand how powerful the imagination evocative feel the star of david in the center and a number tattooed on his arm, smell the smoke from the chimneys and tear with the barbed wire fence.
Then I am struck by a photo .. a candle inside a crematorium oven ... the flame of solidarity that opposes the burning of "hell" that purifies and human dignity back to a place of horror cynical and brutal.
Here is an empathy with all those who want to try a healthy awareness of pain and pietas that enhances the soul and culture definitely should not miss the event.
Merini Alda said, "The poet does not deny the pain, accept it and make it a habit that becomes incandescent poetry," because what we want to avoid this feeling is the only one who opens the way to the next step of the perception of 'love and joy more vivid.

Shiva Karillion
Auschwitz 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Myammee Calender 2010

Never again ... was written many times on the register at the entrance of the house of Anne Frank.
Never again ... and the colorful vitality of the streets of Amsterdam seemed to stop in front of that little restless in the dark doorway, the melancholic charm of its canals smoke discoloring nightmare horror of Auschwitz.
Never again ... in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world, with handwriting now decided to rage, now uncertain of dismay, now trembling with emotion, words always painfully the same, the daughters of small hands and big, white black or yellow, old or young girls, which rested on whiteness of large sheets of the book as the doves of peace.
Never again ... read in the eyes of those who came down the narrow stairs of the house, incredulous of the well of horror on which he faces the gaze of the heart, his mind gripped dall'atroce impotence of those who can not even pretend that nothing happened, or to anything that hope it will not happen again.
Never again ... but the hope is also a commitment, awareness, solidarity function words such as absences, if not fill us day after day, reminding ourselves and to others who we are and who we could be, if only we wanted.
Never again ... Yet it happened again, at other times, other places and in other ways, but it is possible that evil is part of us as a condemnation eternal, an incurable disease, a malignant subtly replicating DNA forever?
Never again ... but as long as once again this great little words will appear on that register, as long as a single tear timidly bathe them a note but I can not still believe in Man.
Never ... never again!

Pinovit Pinion

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Milena Velba Streaming

sure to read these articles in the original language is not for everyone as possible and if any of you friends if you feel up to translating, would open this blog with many other interested in news about Second Life that recovery on the Web.
This article in French, which will link below, compare two different types of 3D creation: the sculpted and meshes.
Who wants tradulo or those wishing to speak on its own way is very welcome and if it is not the author of this blog please contact me and it will enable.

Meanwhile read this ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Does Cervical Mucous Look Like When Pregnant

Although the news announced the death of SL continue to classify all of the ether as ghosts and we continue to say that companies run away from the Metaverse because of the disappointing results of recent years, continue to proliferate in an international commercial and educational initiatives that would seem to relegate all this negativity to countries where technological innovation has slowed down and reduced sensitivity to the virtual. Well perhaps we are not ghosts, but those that dwell in the closed drawers of our retrograde Italian companies.

XD Viperaaaaaaaaa

The Replacments Heniti

(article in English)

Ootp2007 크랙

reading Dante's poetic creations of new and more from the group SL Poets

(article in English) 2Foncnn

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Maryland Gay Cruising Spots

the link below you can create written glitter like the one below

Flash Glitter Text