Friday, December 15, 2006

What Causes Smelly Urine


was not posted for a while, but between holidays, labor and social affairs .......... I had little time and little desire. However I have not received mail of protest the prolonged absence and concludes that the three readers of this blog are not shocked.
There are many of the arguments to Talk About, but no one really stimulated me particularly. But I keep their eyes on the financial and can not wait to be finally approved to be able to touch, even with the eyes, the work done.
I have to say, against my will that my trust in this government is dwindling by the day (it was already very low). Frankly, I believe that the budget will be a concentration of taxes and Tassetti, call more or less with their name (for example, it seems that the rent will be increased rai).
We'll see. I will keep you updated.


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