Thursday, January 4, 2007

Confidentility Sample Contract


We Beppe Grillo and even the Talking Cricket. We are not ex pseudofamosi tissue or former islanders who want to prove that you have a brain, so it is logical that our little blog is visited. We also have written little or nothing in the last period and the absence of fresh flesh, you know, take away the curiosity to go and peek.
All this should not and can not be an excuse for the complete lack of interest (if I did not say than indifference) that many of you show. Some time ago, some of you wrote, debated, fiercely criticized us on our actions. Then, as too often happens, everything is back to slide over him.
to us, unless we write, why do so now even the most sensational news is already "stuff seen and reviewed" and in so doing we deprive ourselves of the right and duty to give voice to anger and to seek, in our small way, to expose the lie, but also washes out any work to you, any subject, any accusation. Do not you care one iota to approach others, to question the your preconceptions. Bellini and you're too prissy in front of the monitor with his shirt stretched to worry about what happens outside.
"Let's go see who wrote those idiots (the most sympathetic) of," you say as you make the huge effort to use the finger to click. We do not give a kaiser to 1, 10 or 1000 hits per day. We are interested in this place, like others in the network, is a bit 'freer and a bit' more fertile ground for exchange of ideas on the way to what happens in everyday life.
If you are interested in talking about it, for now, we are still here, otherwise go ahead to avoid the use of the brain and, to avoid straining, also eliminated the use of finger-click.
Greetings and Happy 2007!


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