Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Dry Cough More Condition_treatment


happens to everyone, let alone me, they have nothing to say, or to have so much to say and do not know where to start. However, for some reason, this morning I decided to break radio silence. Maybe because I read a piece of Scalfari Grill and Fuck Day

Evidently Mr. Scalfari has understood nothing, but then he too is part of that world of journalists who should carry the food and the battles that proposes Grillo and instead does something else.

I believe that these gentlemen have not understood anything, neither journalists nor politicians nor economists. No one understood a shit. They did not understand that people are sick of being taken for a ride, and have not figured that if they are not careful, if you do not stop to take advantage of it, will break one of those mess ...... but fuck the Day

Monday, April 16, 2007

Congratulations Messages Baby

A big country

This, and many other very bad, is the largest country from which all go, prostrating and foaming at the mouth because it seems the Left ' only one who can bring new wealth to the economic superpowers.
Nobody asked either to account for human rights nor the yellow knit nor to anyone who can come in handy for the holy world economy.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Christian Sympathy Card

Also I'm with Emergency

I refer to what is written by ll on the issue of abduction of Mastrogiacomo and the role of emergency.
Go Gino!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

American Swimsuit Mishaps

Rape, wear, road safety (ie change propspettiva)

few weeks ago. Cascine Park, Florence. A great park, green area of \u200b\u200ba city ever crapped because of smog, traffic, noise and crazy prices. A park operated by municipalities as "what they" banned in organized activities, concerts and the like. Events that, according to the enlightened political citizens, would damage the beautiful lawns of the park and make it difficult to ensure the safety of those present.
In fact, some farms park weeks ago, a woman attacked ... beaten ... raped. This happens often. Day and night, because the park prohibited (only to law-abiding citizens) is chock full of scum, a gang of criminals, drugs and prostitution. With the connivance of the indifference of the city council.
The company is running I am told. Yes, but ... we must change perspective. Denouncing the administration and especially the Mayor Domenici for aiding and abetting in the rape, drug dealing, violence, prostitution.
Not many days ago. Southern Italy, around the wear discovered by the police. Fallen into the network entrepreneurs, fathers, people common working, which splits the browns every single day to survive and when it sees other alternative is for the crocodiles that everyone knows but no one addresses.
What people are crying foul from many quarters. Yes, but ... we must change perspective. Bring to court, along with alligators, even the government and banks. The first because it does not make laws to help law-abiding citizens to survive economically, because they deny and reject the second loan and trust at all, except the criminals (and logs, real estate agents to assault, etc.)..
few days ago. Northern Italy, boys filmed while rushing speed supersonic on the streets of their city. Scandal, sociological studies, responses from the characters of the intelligentsia: the boys have more points of reference, and then rushing at 180 .. 200 .. 240 per hour to feel important and filled with adrenaline. If these are the civil society of tomorrow, poor us! exclaim many. Yes, but ... we must change perspective. Denounce the governments (national and local) that force us to use the machine as and when it suits them, not the automakers to build vehicles safe, clean and slow. Denouncing the automakers that do not respect speed limits and for show, in proclamations and marketing, and death benefits from travel.
If we are not willing to risk presenting complaints in person and weigh heavy on empty heads and / or unbecoming of the lords of anything ... if we are not prepared then you might as well continue to be silent, sit, immobile and unarmed, in front of the TV to hear a voice that announces another joke, another piece of the civilized world that has come apart irreparably.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Diagrams! Of A Sailboat( Rigging)

RevisioFascismo not think

Good Marcellino that plays to the Furbino pay for the diaries to be bandied about from the rooftops. The press and give them news headlines with great emphasis because these diaries were written anything slightly 'less than the bald. No no, you understand? Not Silvio Armstrong Carter Berlusconer but from parent Duce himself. More than twenty years that the holders of the diaries (which are also the authors?) Are trying to sbolognarli to someone, but until now had turned too serious to people who do not buy fake.
finally arrived, however, intuition. Who better than the one buyer who is always looking for new ideas to throw the wool over the eyes of the general public, inviting it's nothing to be scandalized, to review the story with a ... "but it was a good man," not to be confused rather with the sad and pressing current corruption, environment, mafia (coincidentally topics that often call in question and not on merit). To address this a bit 'of technical and historical truth: True story.
At the same time the media and institutional bodies are careful not to publicize the fact that every citizen should have the right to know in real time. We should be getting home a letter, a phone call from those who govern us with the information that is we are regularly concealed, or at least come second. Perhaps why, but I suspect!, Some of the suspects still govern us? But inquire from you which is better than one hundred words written by me:

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Poptropica Play


I have heard no word of apology handed to prosecutors in Milan. Maybe I'm distracted, but I have not heard the hysterical Victor, Emilio the lick, Julian the greedy, Silvio Armstrong Carter Berlusconer say a single word in favor of more active work of the judiciary in Italy. My ears could only hear gi attacks, the charges, the offenses that subject, and all their cronies, have turned to the servants of the state over the past 10-12 years.
Sure, why should you gentlemen (and gentlemen I think is already a big word) to thank those who only perform its institutional role, perhaps, because the same judges do their job even when investigating the non-transparent conduct of the captain and his political followers, only receiving threatening interference with public humiliation and vengeful?
Patience, we think the glorious center-left government (left and I think another big word out of place) to enhance the sense of duty of the judiciary Milanese, you say. Oh no, you missed another point. In politics, every socio-historical period has clearly defined rules and tasks. The objective on which all agree the current executive is of profound regret in making the maximum effort to have them voted and Italians, attempting the impossible, to get even regret nanopoli. In fact, the voice of the government to include 'Frank brings a harsh attack on the Milan judiciary, accusing the prosecutors of abuse of power and breach of state secrecy on the case of Abu Omar's kidnapping. Accusations, it seems obvious to say, without any foundation or at least suspicious.
These people who represent us forward so much sadness. Complexed, fearing not so much of God and of those close and can move a bit 'votes. Sad faces, gestures corny, better not say the words.
Yesterday someone had to legislate and rail against the whole world to save itself and his friends. Today, someone else must do the same action again to save himself and his low back (presumably from uncomfortable truths) and a Chicken in the service not the state but whose state sees it as its own thing.
Lords sad to be swept away with laughter.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Boats For Sale In Richmond Bc Canada

FarmoVergogna sad! Durex

I was seventeen and attending these places since I was small, the 'whole summer. How many bathrooms in that sea, how much air is breathed. On the one hand the good salt, the other, the smell of chimney smoke that My father always pointed with pride and wonder since the highway, to stimulate my attention and tell me that we had arrived.
will also be for those fumes, and many toxic waste buried and hidden, for discharges into the sea without treatment ... if I came so pain in the ass? I do not know, but certainly what is happening these days in almost twenty years later, would make me want to open another of the chimney and put them all in the lords of civil and environmental crime.
the thing: I wanted to submit a link from the newspapers and the news but prefer to speak of nights out of the VIPs from America or sanremo, so I'm pleased to inform you that the process in which Farmoplant as a defendant for the above facts, the company proposed to pay the debt he has no doubt the environment and citizens ... with a few thousand euro. Anger and disbelief, but also awareness of all branched coverings of the company in question, and all others involved in similar cases, enjoy and enjoyed by local institutions. E 'from them that people should get angry. Going to see who was there and who decided at the time for their evil and the good soldier and a few ...

What Does Mucus Of A Pregnant Look Like

I have it! Italy

After bullshit from the church by the church ... sollazziamoci cock a bit ':

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Male Brazilian Options


By train. From Milan to Rome, Eurostar 1st class. In Bologna rising number of people. A couple, I assume husband and wife sit in front of me. Well-dressed, her blonde, but not heavily made up, dressed in sober. He grizzled separate but sporty dress. Both the 45/50 year. Probably on the road for a few days of leave. They are in my opinion the middle class Italian. Exactly. The journey is long (find out after coming down to Naples) and were brought to read. Two newspapers to head her "Chi" and "More" him "Tuttosport" and "La Gazzetta dello Sport." Here's our Italy. I hope for them, but especially to us that he is a sports journalist and a writer of her gossip.
But just believe. E I despair.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Male Brazilian Styles

The fake environmentalism

We are on the usual, to tap the money all means are good. Now there is the fashion label. In this case for cars. Incentives of destruction, easy payments, etc.. etc.. if you change your "old" car bought three years ago, and it takes a certified € 18 .... then after four years you have to do the review, then the green dot, but then not there on Sunday because you can use any label , but then you can not park, which is the least you can park but it costs 1 euro per hour. If you go out to dinner in downtown, you spend most of the parking lot of dinner.
So first they give you incentives to buy, then they tell you that you need to use public transport because there is too much traffic ..... then they tell you that you have to change it now because it is old ....
And then you discover that public transport pollute like no other, that the heating of municipal buildings pollute like no other .......
wake up!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Confidentility Sample Contract


We Beppe Grillo and even the Talking Cricket. We are not ex pseudofamosi tissue or former islanders who want to prove that you have a brain, so it is logical that our little blog is visited. We also have written little or nothing in the last period and the absence of fresh flesh, you know, take away the curiosity to go and peek.
All this should not and can not be an excuse for the complete lack of interest (if I did not say than indifference) that many of you show. Some time ago, some of you wrote, debated, fiercely criticized us on our actions. Then, as too often happens, everything is back to slide over him.
to us, unless we write, why do so now even the most sensational news is already "stuff seen and reviewed" and in so doing we deprive ourselves of the right and duty to give voice to anger and to seek, in our small way, to expose the lie, but also washes out any work to you, any subject, any accusation. Do not you care one iota to approach others, to question the your preconceptions. Bellini and you're too prissy in front of the monitor with his shirt stretched to worry about what happens outside.
"Let's go see who wrote those idiots (the most sympathetic) of," you say as you make the huge effort to use the finger to click. We do not give a kaiser to 1, 10 or 1000 hits per day. We are interested in this place, like others in the network, is a bit 'freer and a bit' more fertile ground for exchange of ideas on the way to what happens in everyday life.
If you are interested in talking about it, for now, we are still here, otherwise go ahead to avoid the use of the brain and, to avoid straining, also eliminated the use of finger-click.
Greetings and Happy 2007!