Monday, June 2, 2008

Dirtbike Birthday Cake Ideas

How to open a Bed and Breakfast in Venice and in Italy

According to the rules on regional existing accommodation facilities are family-run bed and breakfast service delivery and breakfast type accommodation in a housing unit to residential use (the land included with the letter "A"). The activity is managed by individuals who, taking advantage of their family organization, use a part of the dwelling itself, up to a maximum of 3 rooms (5 or 6 in some regions) and 6 beds (12 in some regions).

Procedure: Before beginning your complaint activity must be verified whether the housing unit prior to use as a B & B has the characteristics of urban planning, health and fire protection required by law.

ANBBA Association ( ) spreading a useful handbook on the subject. You can have the 'home is in property to rent. In all regions (except the Tuscany), the operator must have a residence in the house where the business is carried.

The complaint is presented to login to the municipality where you open the B & B by completing the appropriate documentation provided by the municipality itself. Can then be declared in accordance with rules that are provided on site, seasonal prices to the Province. After 30 days, notify the City of login and the next day's activity is in order.

Remember to post the prices at the door of each bedroom: a policeman to check that the prices will be exposed and that the premises are suitable.

For more info see


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