Friday, March 28, 2008

Where To Order A Ballerina Birthday Cakes

Strange but true: the 10 universal truths

The triangular sandwiches taste better than square

Everyone grew up in the '80s tried to type on the calculator 0.5380135

8) At the end
a good party, there is always a girl crying.

Try to read from drunk is horrible.

Driving in a tunnel is exciting.

When you eat a banana, you never know where to look.

Old ladies can eat more than it seems at first sight.

Everyone has tried to touch your elbow with your tongue.

You can not describe in words the smell of a wet cat.

Everyone remembers how anyone vomit on a school trip

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tech Deck Invitations

What are the faces of the TV that would inspire more tenderness to Hegel?

are careerists. Often arrogant. Not infrequently recommended. Envied. Worshiped. Then he laughed. They feel powerful. Some people really are. But if you look at them from the perspective of Hegel's triadic determinism - you inspire affection. Only peaceful benevolent and tenderness.
10) Asia Argento
ass He had to be the daughter of an Italian director who made a couple of horror movies discreet. He does not know acting, can not do the film, can not drive. Pero 'states, is the director and driving a Porshe.
9) Alessia Merz
Had ass.
8) Giucas Box
Remember Giucas Box? Come on! What ... what .. cha they did those things ... those Robini the.
7) Simona Ventura
A life linked to football ....
6) The children of Maria de Filippi
That is, good, that is those guys that is trying. But 'if one has talent, there is De Filippi.
5) Mike Bongiorno
" calls every day from the usual offices
castalidi the goddesses, but they no longer
care of me my sacred cow."
4) Amadeus
Gerry Scotti emulate, but too much hair does not allow him to reach the summit of success.
3) Giorgio Mastrota
continues to sell mattresses bed despite not need it more.
2) Forum
extreme tenderness inspire those who look at the Forum, those participating in the Forum, and especially those who lead the Forum. A happy limbo at your fingertips, every day from 11 to 13. A safer work of Post ...
1)?? Who do you

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mononucleosis And Coconut Oil

The ten richest men in the world

10) Karl Albrecht
$ 27 .000.000.000 - Aldi - Germania

9) Oleg Deripaska
$ 28 .000.000.000 - Russian Aluminum - Russia

8) KP Singh
$ 30 .000.000.000 - Real Estate - India

7) Ingvar Kamprad
$ 31 .000.000.000 - Ikea - Svezia

6) Anil Ambani
$ 42 .000.000.000 - Differenti settori - India

5) Mukesh Ambani
$ 43 .000.000.000 - Petrochemical-India

4) Lakshmi Mittal
$ 45 .000.000.000 - Steel - India

3) William Gates III (aka Bill .. .)
.000.000.000 $ 58 - Microsoft - U.S.

2) Carlos Slim Helu
$ 60 .000.000.000 - Telecommunications - Mexico

1) Warren Buffett
.000.000.000 $ 62 - Berkshire Hathaway - U.S.

After the beauty of 13 years at No. 1 hit, Bill Gates is no longer the richest man in the world . Now, it pleasure to his friend and occasional bridge partner Warren Buffett .

Viral Throat Infections Types

The most read newspaper in Italy

Here's the top ten most read newspaper in Italy, with a few surprises ...

10) Il Resto del Carlino
1,180,000 readers on an average day

9) The Messenger
1,289,000 readers on an average day

8) Corriere dello Sport - Stadio
1,310,000 readers on an average day

7) La Stampa
1,384,000 readers on an average day

6) Metro
1,839,000 readers on an average day

5) City
1,886,000 readers on an average day

4) I read
2,262,000 readers on an average day

3) Corriere della Sera
2,722,000 readers on an average day

2) The Republic
2,991,000 readers on an average day

1) La Gazzetta dello Sport
3,581,000 readers on an average day

Source: Audipress II half of 2007

Monday, March 24, 2008

Dennis Milani Wikipedia

The Italians in America: From Gangster to Nobel

10) Antonio Meucci, inventor

9) Felice Pedroni, gold miner


8) Rodolofo Valentino, silent film star

7) Lucky Luciano , criminal boss

6) Amedeo Obici, entrepreneur, inventor of peanut

5) Frank Capra, film director and producer

4) Carlo Gambino, boss criminal

3) Franco Modigliani, 1985 Nobel Prize for Economics

2) Riccardo Giacconi, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2002

1) Mario Capecchi, Nobel prize for medicine 2007.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Teddy Bear Masterbation

Handbook for general elections 2008: Berlusconi thought-ten citations. The most scandalous

1) Self-esteem
"I admit, in the morning when I look in the mirror I have high regard for me."
Corriere della Sera, October 28, 1995

2) Health
"They did a test on me, my brain function and physical and have decided that I am a walking miracle. "
'ANSA', 5 October 2002, at 19:33

3) Scab
" My secretary told me that last week I worked 17 hours every day, made 32 phone calls, had 23 meetings. The press should have more respect for me as one who sacrifices himself for the interest of all without the slightest interest. "
La Repubblica, December 4, 2002

4) Truth
"The truth has always a thousand faces, each face as always a thousand truths. "
'Eastenders', 2003

5) Electorate
" It was late, I had gone to sleep and on TV there were only prehistoric film. I did zapping on TV and went on a channel where you could see the young ladies who invited her to call. I wanted to take the pulse of the situation: 'Allow me, Miss, but her 9 and April 10 for those who will vote?'. Seven out of nine said Berlusconi. "
" Free, "April 2, 2006

6) Transformers
" Follini is an example of transformation. "
'Ansa' February 26, 2007

7) Sarkozy
"There is no model Sarkozy. I'm his model. He copied me. Not by chance that I was the first who called after winning the election. "
La Stampa, May 9, 2007

8) Veltroni
" Veltroni said, 'I'm your Messiah, will free himself from the deadly left. '"
Corriere della Sera, January 9, 2008

9) Eternal Life
" We Don Verzè thinking with a new structure that is already under construction in Verona to bring the human lifespan to 120 years. "
" Porta a Porta ", February 12, 2008

10) Par condicio
"When we in government will be one of the first things that would repeal."
'TG4', March 17, 2008

Thank You Wedding Program Ideas

beers we tasted for you ...

E 'was hard, but we did it! Here are the top ten beers scandalous that the editorial staff of The Top Ten tasted for you. "De gustibus ...", try it anyway! hic!

10) Birra Wuhrer
Evergreen with his cap "screw-unscrew," is the most beer drunk by carpenters foothills.

Beer Birra Morena Morena ... you loose! ... Yes, but what?!?! Try it and taste the "enjoyable" game on website ...

8) Birra Raffo
Mal is accompanied with delicious mussels in the Ionian.

7) Tsingtao Beer
Taste of the Orient ... for aficionados of fried wanton.

6) Beer Fidel
Ok, nobody has asked for Cristal, but at the party with a case of Fidel ...

5) Birra Dreher
A website really well done ...

4) Beer Sans Souci Sans Souci
, sans problème! Is it true?!?!

3) Blue Ribbon Beer
Valentino is strong, but with much more fuel!

2) Fink Brau
The diamond supply Lidl ...!

1) Beer Tourtel
33cl of pure futility!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Animal Skin Barstools

Animals fattest in the world

Thursday, March 20, 2008

How To Build Wooden Playset

And speaking of the '80s: the Sgorbions!

The more astute among you will have noticed that the top ten devoted to the 80s, among the many shortcomings dictated by only 10 positions available, one stands out in particular.
you remember those horrible hate-figures fantastic mums miseducating because, aside repeatedly by teachers during school hours, but most loved and revered by all of us, as well as painstakingly collected and carefully preserved?

Yeah, you guessed it, we're just talking about the mythical Sgorbions! Here you are our top ten:

10) Dino Din Don

9) Baptist Thug
8) Mongol Piero

7) James Fond

6) Goofy Strello

5) Maria decal

4) Martin Grappino

3) Carla toilet

2) CERN - Bill

1) Matthew Cappereo

trashissimo And with this post close, for now, the mini-chapter to the 80s. As always you can send your suggestions and your top ten to !

'herpes Outbreak On Stomach'

The 10 best places to find the morning-after pill

On today, there is an instructive, as daunting, video inquiry into the availability of morning-after pill in Italy .
instructive - because the mouth of an expert in the field, which certainly is Professor Silvio Garattini, Director of the Institute for Pharmacological Research Hospital "M. Negri" in Milan, the explanation of the nature contraceptive and non- abortion drug, and its safe for patients.
discouraging - and as yet another disturbing example a country classified in paradigms obscurantist, far from Europe , respect the rights of the individual.
Good. Since this blog is not extraction of Catholic and advertises, defends and encourages the culture of death , in its manifestations euthanasia, abortion, contraception and scientific research, we thought it useful and appropriate to offer the Via Crucis grueling ten best alternative universe of gynecologists objectors.
's sad, in 2008, faced journeys of hope to buy a simple medicine. But perhaps even more sad and the begging is humiliating for hours care in the corridors of hospitals homegrown.
Here is a list of 10 destinations, facilmentre reached by car, or with low cost, where you'll find available for sale the morning after pill.
10) USA: Since 2006, the morning-after pill is considered a medicine over the counter, and then also sold in supermarkets. We advise you not to face a flight of 8 hours just to buy it, but if you already hang out over there ...
9) Algeria: not exactly an easy target and obvious. For purists radical chic, which will launch into long disquisitions in terms of religious fundamentalism.
8) Israel for believers hesitant and fearful. The pilgrimage to the Holy Land as an expiation of the sin of contraception contraception.
7) Sweden without a prescription in the whole territory. But the flight a bit 'long and are still a few low-cost connections with Italy
6) Netherlands: State, where (almost) anything goes, so is the morning-after pill. Good HR linking flights to all; interesting destination for a trip on the road "for youngsters.
5) UK: no prescription throughout the territory. Dozens of low-cost connections from several Italian cities Ryanair and Easyjet .
4) Switzerland: freely sold in pharmacies. Destination easily accessible by car for residents in northern Italy. If the League of faith - see the party headquarters nearest our editorial ignores the position of the C & Senatùr on.
3) France: destination to consider for Piedmont and Liguria. In free sale for all, free for children.
2) UK, Manchester: an experimental medication is distributed free of charge. Ryanair flight from Milan.
1) Madrid: choice of the town in the English capital, although the pill is available here. Many low-cost connections from Rome, Milan, Cagliari and other Italian cities with daily flights from Easyjet, Ryanair, Vueling.
Go and multiply!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Who Is Leigh-d Xtreme Curves

The top ten of the 80

10) Polaroid (other than digital!)

9) skates with 4 wheels (which stretched ...)

8) The Hello (ride, ride ...)

7) The frizzina (nothing but Perrier!)

6) Bim Bum Bam (Golden times for Bonolis ...)

5) Billy (when the beer is still there interested ...)

4) Strength 4 (evolved version of the trio!)

3) The Big Babol (written so obviously not Big Bubble!)

2) The Goonies (remember Chunk? and Slotty?)

1) The Commodore 64 (with their boxes ...)