Saturday, March 22, 2008

Teddy Bear Masterbation

Handbook for general elections 2008: Berlusconi thought-ten citations. The most scandalous

1) Self-esteem
"I admit, in the morning when I look in the mirror I have high regard for me."
Corriere della Sera, October 28, 1995

2) Health
"They did a test on me, my brain function and physical and have decided that I am a walking miracle. "
'ANSA', 5 October 2002, at 19:33

3) Scab
" My secretary told me that last week I worked 17 hours every day, made 32 phone calls, had 23 meetings. The press should have more respect for me as one who sacrifices himself for the interest of all without the slightest interest. "
La Repubblica, December 4, 2002

4) Truth
"The truth has always a thousand faces, each face as always a thousand truths. "
'Eastenders', 2003

5) Electorate
" It was late, I had gone to sleep and on TV there were only prehistoric film. I did zapping on TV and went on a channel where you could see the young ladies who invited her to call. I wanted to take the pulse of the situation: 'Allow me, Miss, but her 9 and April 10 for those who will vote?'. Seven out of nine said Berlusconi. "
" Free, "April 2, 2006

6) Transformers
" Follini is an example of transformation. "
'Ansa' February 26, 2007

7) Sarkozy
"There is no model Sarkozy. I'm his model. He copied me. Not by chance that I was the first who called after winning the election. "
La Stampa, May 9, 2007

8) Veltroni
" Veltroni said, 'I'm your Messiah, will free himself from the deadly left. '"
Corriere della Sera, January 9, 2008

9) Eternal Life
" We Don Verzè thinking with a new structure that is already under construction in Verona to bring the human lifespan to 120 years. "
" Porta a Porta ", February 12, 2008

10) Par condicio
"When we in government will be one of the first things that would repeal."
'TG4', March 17, 2008


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