Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mononucleosis And Coconut Oil

The ten richest men in the world

10) Karl Albrecht
$ 27 .000.000.000 - Aldi - Germania

9) Oleg Deripaska
$ 28 .000.000.000 - Russian Aluminum - Russia

8) KP Singh
$ 30 .000.000.000 - Real Estate - India

7) Ingvar Kamprad
$ 31 .000.000.000 - Ikea - Svezia

6) Anil Ambani
$ 42 .000.000.000 - Differenti settori - India

5) Mukesh Ambani
$ 43 .000.000.000 - Petrochemical-India

4) Lakshmi Mittal
$ 45 .000.000.000 - Steel - India

3) William Gates III (aka Bill .. .)
.000.000.000 $ 58 - Microsoft - U.S.

2) Carlos Slim Helu
$ 60 .000.000.000 - Telecommunications - Mexico

1) Warren Buffett
.000.000.000 $ 62 - Berkshire Hathaway - U.S.

After the beauty of 13 years at No. 1 hit, Bill Gates is no longer the richest man in the world . Now, it pleasure to his friend and occasional bridge partner Warren Buffett .


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