Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Brazilian Waxing Before And After Images

The top ten strongest brands, the richest and most recognizable 2007. Back to the Italians.

presented for each brand are shown its value in billions of U.S. dollars, and the percentage change of this value from the previous season (2006).

10) Toyota / m $ 33.42 / +11%

9) IBM / $ 33.57 m / -7%

8) Citi / m $ 33.70 / +9

7%) Wal-Mart / m $ 36.88 / -2%

6) Marlboro / m $ 39.16 / +2%

5) China Mobile / $ 41.21 m / +5%

4) Coca Cola / m $ 44.13 / +7%

3) Microsft / m $ 54.95 / -11%

2) General Electric / m $ 61.88 / +11%

1) Google / m $ 66.43 / +77%

They keep well U.S. corporations, in 8 of the top 10 . The Micrososft suffers a sharp decline, the more obvious and painful in a Top-10 dominated by new tech companies. China Mobile is still one of the titans of business, leaving behind the noble European and Japanese competition. Among the "bad" - convincing performance that is resistant to Marlboro in 6th position, and indeed is a slight recovery.

First European brand is the Nokia (12th overall), followed by a surprising BMW (14 °) and Vodafone (22 °). Unique Italian brand in the Top-100 is Gucci, 89 ° and an increase of 49% over the previous year.

The first class is, as usual, the Google. This result is not surprising more: if it were to attend a trade fair of Cremona salami, now win there too.

Source: MillwardBrown Optimor BrandZ 2007, http://www.scribd.com/


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