Friday, April 24, 2009

A bit of winter nebulae

very hard this winter I managed to photograph only a few mythical nebulae Winter Place
Nus Valle D'Aosta

M1 (Taurus)

M42 (Orion)

Horsehead (Orion)

Friday, April 17, 2009

South Park Free Episodes Capital

Polarizer Filter with variable tramittanza 1-40%

Tecnosky I bought this filter, so that you can use both, as a filter as a single variable, on the moon (as with the 12 "is very bright) and the bright planet Venus (in order to make their observation dynamic) ...
Operation is simple: two filters to be screwed by a nut on each other and turn one of the two filters, thus changing the total transmission, so it's so easy to use.
is not one of those accessories that are "must" be present in case of an amateur as a UHC or OIII (or a collimator for the spotlight), but its use is very subjective.

Irritable Bowel Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Orion OIII Filter 2 "Baader Planetarium

I have used this filter and specially from 2 "to the fact that, with the Lightbridge, I have a 1.25 gear, which possesses a special thread that receives the filters 2", so you can use them both with the nomal 50.8 mm eyepieces with smaller ones by 31.8 ... so helpful for not spending big bucks in the disparate measures.
The OIII filters may be a very selective filter is compared with the UHC, either l 'uhce (uhcs) and acts as the table below

Used with bright nebulae such as M42, it seems that the image changes and thus have three different views:
NO FILTER, UHCE and OIII ... 3 nebulae seem completely different.
very useful in the search for planetary nebulae, because it cuts a lot compared (including most of the stars), it allows oxygen and a few stars still visible, but leaving intact the signal of a planetary nebula, while less useful for their observation.
say I will never stop going on two, "if the adapter thread ... you do not regret it;)


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ohio Drivers License Look

brightest Globular

List of globular clusters brighter (magnitude 8 maximum) :

Scale: NGC 5897, magnitude 8.6 but ..

Dogs Hunting: M3, magnitude 5.9.

Coma Berenices: M53 , magnitude 7.5

Hydra: M68, magnitude 7.7
Capricorn: M30, magnitude 7.5

Delfino: Although deboluccio: NGC 6934, magnitude: 8.9

Hercules: The famous M13, magnitude 5.7; M92, magnitude 6.4; NGC 6229, magnitude 8.1

Arrow: M71, magnitude 8.3

Lyra: M56, magnitude 8.2

Offiuco: And how many there are here ....!!! : M107, May 8.1; M12 , May 6.8; M10 , May 6.6; M62 , May 6.7; M19 , May 6.7; NGC 6293, May 8.2; M9 , May 7.9; NGC 6356, May 8.2; M14 , May 7.6, Gone?

Saggitaria: NGC 6544, May 8.1; NGC 6553, May 8.1; M28 , May 6.8; M69 , May 7.6; M22, mag 5.1, M70 , May 8; M54, M 7.6; NGC 6723, May 7.2; M55 , May 6.4; M75 , May 8.5. (Even in this non- mess eh! )

Scorpio: M4, May 5.8; M80 , May 7.7

Shield: NGC 6712, May 8.2

Snake (Head): M5, May 5.7

Aquarium: M2 , May 6.4

Pegasus: M15 , May 6.0

Hare: M79 , May 7.8

I admit it: sometimes I passed (just) to the May 8 ..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Idylis Dehumidifiers Reviews

Top beautiful images of bopp hele

All astronomers know that this comet was made to see in 1997, while not great (I was 3 years old) I think even an amateur for my age is important to know This comet appears every 2400 years.

from around the world, this comet has been observed and photographed, the appearance lasted more than a year, the queue was long 20 degrees, the maximum magnitude -1, and it was a great appearance that has been immortalized on film from all over the world.
In the time that goes by the appearance to greet the tail of the comet has moved, since it is always oposta the sun and the orbit is circular.

Ohio Drivers' License

Celestron Nextar 4''SE

Celestron telescopes produce long covering most price ranges, ranging from the XLT to those mentioned for the search with the most advanced EQ mounts and the famous optical tubes with the letter "C" which have long been present in the OBSERVATIONS of amateurs;

I a Celestron Nextar 4''se, the smallest of the NEXT series, which is also composed by SC 5, 6 and 8 inches. The

4''if it is a Maksutov, this means that its focus is higher than his older brother, SC 5''but the diameter of 4''(102mm) is small, this makes the compact optical tube indicated for lunar and planetary observations. With the flip mirror

content in the psteriore OTA you can do comments more comfortable but you can also use a secondary output which can be applied to a junction T2 SLRs.

Aesthetically it's really nice color, glossy bright orange with the words''if Celestron Nextar 4 and a sticker that says XLT (this fact is the treatment of most Celestron optical tubes), it is a compact telephoto, designed to provide good results even if you want to travel and can be easily mounted on a tripod because the tube is small and light and the attack on Dovetail has the appropriate thread.

The mesa is in focus thanks to a knob that acts directly on the primary, the tube has a second knob that operates the flip mirror. Outside is made of steel and aluminum, and meniscus and the mirrors have a color that is closer to violet (due to treatments).

The frame is an ALT-AZ canvases that this has in common with 5'', with the roadside Nextar which has 40,000 objects in memory, a large amount. The frame then presents the Goth and the feature of this mount is the ability to do many types of arrays, objects in the solar system than one star, two star and three steles. In addition, the EQ modes can be set in EQ and EQ-NORTH-SOUTH, so it can pursue both in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. The steel tripod is very sturdy and stable PiĆ² extend it a lot but would not recommend it because of the slower to dampen vibration by increasing the size of two sections. You can also look good even on slippery surfaces of punches through the rubber.

arrival is well packed and the tube is already mounted on the arm while the ALT-AZ tripod is closed in a second block, to be fitted with the author who also serves as a door-eye.
The head is very easy to mount on the tripod with 3 screws that you can unscrew to place the canvas (with the head ALT-AZ) on a table, thanks to the rubber feet.

I have the cloth in July 2008 and I noticed a great optical quality, the moon with the eye 25mm is whole and full of detail (with increasing phase is high), with increasing del'ingrandimento craters can be seen very well even if vision is disturbed by atmospheric turbulence.
Jupiter also shows us a few enlargements equatorial bands and the Galilean moons that are always changing position. Unfortunately, the giant wave due to turbulence.
The first deep sky object is the Wild Duck Cluster, nelle'estate 2008, was one that provided more detail, with the 25mm eyepiece the view was beautiful.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kate Bikini Playground

Use of Telrad

The Telrad is a seeker, which projects over a glass of red concentric circles With angular diameter of 1 / 2 °, 2 and 4 °. It 's very useful, because it makes it much easier tracking of celestial objects: just have a stellar Atlanticist (such as the Pocket Sky Atlas) or have programs such as Cartes du Ciel, where you can place the Telrad circles on the object.
Unfortunately, the use of the Telrad, the city is limited, because as the Telrad is not bigger, the stars he sees are the ones you see with the naked eye. It fits easily with 3 screws placed side comfortable, tough and alignment in the sense that you do not need to re-align every time you use it. The brightness of the red circles, you can change, (my advice is to never hold hoops high brightness because it erases the stars), thanks to a kind of lever.
works with two AA batteries, and the length is large (I left it on for a day without realizing it, and you could still see well the circles).
Pro : Facilitates tracking of objects, it fits easily, is lightweight and can be installed without removing the optical finder with a base that attaches with adhesive very powerful. The batteries last that long. Does not suffer from parallax. You can adjust the brightness of the reticle.
Against : E 'cumbersome. From the city is used with some difficulties to the fact that there are few stars, sometimes assume uncomfortable positions , Especially for those with equatorial mounts over pipes as the newton.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Money Tree Baby Shower

spring sky with a 4 "Mak, or 114 Newton.

spring sky visible with a 4 "Mak, or 114 Newton.

Text Snav made by Orion and Francesco de Innocentis of Coelestis.

Before Tramontin, you can still take a look at the famous Orion Nebula ( M42), very easy to find and clearly visible, and the Pleiades (M45 ), but for this latter, if you want to see the entire cluster takes a lunghissimaq eye to focus, for both telescopes.

Cancer : Surely you can see in this constellation The cluster M44 crib: Not easy to trace, since this constellation has no bright stars. For M44, use a long focal length eyepiece (for Mak above).

Hunting Dogs: In this constellation lies a bright globular cluster, M3 is clearly visible in a 4 "(mag 5.9).
If you have available a sky of the mountains (but few people have one) can be groped ooservazione of the galaxies: M106 (mag 8.4), M94 (mag 8.2), M63 (mag 8.6) and finally the famous Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) (mag. 8.4 - 9.6).

Coma Berenices: It 'a rich constellation of galaxies, some weak for a 4 ", visible from the sky from the mountains. We instead quote a storage globurale affordable for a 10/11 cm: M53 (mag 7.5).

Hydra: Constellation Extended (long over 100 degrees), but with faint stars, then, is not easily traced. We find an open cluster of magnitude 5.8: M48. We also find another globular: M68 (mag. 7.7). If you have a sky dark, you can see M83: A spiral galaxy of magnitude 7.6 to observe even though some details need to use telescopes of 15-20 cm.



Virgin Costellazzione rich galaxies, unfortunately weak, but as I said, if you have a dark sky, one can observe galaxies such as M49 , M104, M87 .

Auriga M37, M36, M38. - Recommended : M37

add another object, which is not part of the Deep Sky, but it is a planet: Saturn : Shown with virtually any telescope. This time, unfortunately rings cut, but any comments on this planet is rewarding (seeing permitting).

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wedding Introduction Message

spring sky with an 8 "Case

The spring sky is a sky of transition between the winter where it dominates the constellation of Orion and the winter triangle (Betelguese, Sirius, Procyon) and where exactly dominate the summer constellations such as Hercules' and constellations such as The Swan, The eagle and the Lira and form the Summer Triangle (Deneb - Altair - Vega). The spring sky is full of galaxies in an area stretching between Virgo and Coma Berenices. There are also many other constellations that rise in the spring sky visible as Gemini and Leo.

Let's see in detail the objects visible with an 8 "

Cancer : In cancer you can see a very famous open cluster: M44 : that has a magnitude of 3.1. E 'visible to the naked eye and is very large (59'), therefore we recommend the use of a wide-field eyepiece (32-38 mm). Also in this constellation we can see another open cluster: M67 (mag 6.9) Again, we recommend you a wide field eyepiece.

Near Gemini Cancer are the : In this cluster we find a famous colstellazione: M35: that vision, it is rewarding with a 20cm, has magnitude: 5.1; always in this constellation we find a planetary nebula famous Eskimo Nebula - NGC2392 : I sincerely with my 20 cm I have not ever seen (never tried), but I got to see her in a 25 cm, and the vision was good, so I guess that in 20 cm is an object that gives satisfaction. Of magnitude 9.2 and a size of 15 "so in this case we recommend the use of a shorter focal length eyepiece. Close to M35, lies a small open cluster: NGC2158 : but I with my 20 cm was not able to view it and hence will not speak. Also close to M35, we find IC2157 : Mag 8.4 (open cluster).

Cut to Rich Constellations Galaxies such as The Virgin : I state that I did not experience comments concerning these items, then I will only list those I think he may be visible with a 20 cm: M49: It 's an elliptical galaxy of magnitude 8.4, considered one of the brightest galaxy of storage. M87. In this area there are many more, but I'm not here to name them. I would rather talk about M104 also called Sombrero Galaxy : I got to see this galaxy in a 25 cm, and seeing well, even in this case I presume you see well in a 20 cm. It has magnitude 8 and a size of 7.1x4.4 '.

Coma Berenices : Unfortunately, in this constellation, not I have experience observing, in any case, this constellation contains many galaxies M98 (mag 10.1), M99 (mag 9.9), M100 (mag 9.3); M85 (M 9.1) , M88 (M 9.6), M91 (m 10.2), M64 (M 8.5), NGC 4565 (M 9.6).
Not all of these objects are galaxies, however, we also find globurali clusters such as M53 (m 7.5) or NGC5053 (mag 9.9)

Hydra: It 's a very large constellation, In fact, its length is over 100 °, and contains faint stars is therefore difficult to trace (from Rome I was not able to see with the naked eye). Contains several clusters, all within the range of 20 cm: M48, M68, NGC 5694.
There is a planetary nebula: NGC3242 (mag 7.8), and a spiral galaxy: M83 (mag 7.6), well visible in a second cm.

Updates will follow.