Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kate Bikini Playground

Use of Telrad

The Telrad is a seeker, which projects over a glass of red concentric circles With angular diameter of 1 / 2 °, 2 and 4 °. It 's very useful, because it makes it much easier tracking of celestial objects: just have a stellar Atlanticist (such as the Pocket Sky Atlas) or have programs such as Cartes du Ciel, where you can place the Telrad circles on the object.
Unfortunately, the use of the Telrad, the city is limited, because as the Telrad is not bigger, the stars he sees are the ones you see with the naked eye. It fits easily with 3 screws placed side comfortable, tough and alignment in the sense that you do not need to re-align every time you use it. The brightness of the red circles, you can change, (my advice is to never hold hoops high brightness because it erases the stars), thanks to a kind of lever.
works with two AA batteries, and the length is large (I left it on for a day without realizing it, and you could still see well the circles).
Pro : Facilitates tracking of objects, it fits easily, is lightweight and can be installed without removing the optical finder with a base that attaches with adhesive very powerful. The batteries last that long. Does not suffer from parallax. You can adjust the brightness of the reticle.
Against : E 'cumbersome. From the city is used with some difficulties to the fact that there are few stars, sometimes assume uncomfortable positions , Especially for those with equatorial mounts over pipes as the newton.


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