Monday, April 6, 2009

Money Tree Baby Shower

spring sky with a 4 "Mak, or 114 Newton.

spring sky visible with a 4 "Mak, or 114 Newton.

Text Snav made by Orion and Francesco de Innocentis of Coelestis.

Before Tramontin, you can still take a look at the famous Orion Nebula ( M42), very easy to find and clearly visible, and the Pleiades (M45 ), but for this latter, if you want to see the entire cluster takes a lunghissimaq eye to focus, for both telescopes.

Cancer : Surely you can see in this constellation The cluster M44 crib: Not easy to trace, since this constellation has no bright stars. For M44, use a long focal length eyepiece (for Mak above).

Hunting Dogs: In this constellation lies a bright globular cluster, M3 is clearly visible in a 4 "(mag 5.9).
If you have available a sky of the mountains (but few people have one) can be groped ooservazione of the galaxies: M106 (mag 8.4), M94 (mag 8.2), M63 (mag 8.6) and finally the famous Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) (mag. 8.4 - 9.6).

Coma Berenices: It 'a rich constellation of galaxies, some weak for a 4 ", visible from the sky from the mountains. We instead quote a storage globurale affordable for a 10/11 cm: M53 (mag 7.5).

Hydra: Constellation Extended (long over 100 degrees), but with faint stars, then, is not easily traced. We find an open cluster of magnitude 5.8: M48. We also find another globular: M68 (mag. 7.7). If you have a sky dark, you can see M83: A spiral galaxy of magnitude 7.6 to observe even though some details need to use telescopes of 15-20 cm.



Virgin Costellazzione rich galaxies, unfortunately weak, but as I said, if you have a dark sky, one can observe galaxies such as M49 , M104, M87 .

Auriga M37, M36, M38. - Recommended : M37

add another object, which is not part of the Deep Sky, but it is a planet: Saturn : Shown with virtually any telescope. This time, unfortunately rings cut, but any comments on this planet is rewarding (seeing permitting).


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