Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wedding Introduction Message

spring sky with an 8 "Case

The spring sky is a sky of transition between the winter where it dominates the constellation of Orion and the winter triangle (Betelguese, Sirius, Procyon) and where exactly dominate the summer constellations such as Hercules' and constellations such as The Swan, The eagle and the Lira and form the Summer Triangle (Deneb - Altair - Vega). The spring sky is full of galaxies in an area stretching between Virgo and Coma Berenices. There are also many other constellations that rise in the spring sky visible as Gemini and Leo.

Let's see in detail the objects visible with an 8 "

Cancer : In cancer you can see a very famous open cluster: M44 : that has a magnitude of 3.1. E 'visible to the naked eye and is very large (59'), therefore we recommend the use of a wide-field eyepiece (32-38 mm). Also in this constellation we can see another open cluster: M67 (mag 6.9) Again, we recommend you a wide field eyepiece.

Near Gemini Cancer are the : In this cluster we find a famous colstellazione: M35: that vision, it is rewarding with a 20cm, has magnitude: 5.1; always in this constellation we find a planetary nebula famous Eskimo Nebula - NGC2392 : I sincerely with my 20 cm I have not ever seen (never tried), but I got to see her in a 25 cm, and the vision was good, so I guess that in 20 cm is an object that gives satisfaction. Of magnitude 9.2 and a size of 15 "so in this case we recommend the use of a shorter focal length eyepiece. Close to M35, lies a small open cluster: NGC2158 : but I with my 20 cm was not able to view it and hence will not speak. Also close to M35, we find IC2157 : Mag 8.4 (open cluster).

Cut to Rich Constellations Galaxies such as The Virgin : I state that I did not experience comments concerning these items, then I will only list those I think he may be visible with a 20 cm: M49: It 's an elliptical galaxy of magnitude 8.4, considered one of the brightest galaxy of storage. M87. In this area there are many more, but I'm not here to name them. I would rather talk about M104 also called Sombrero Galaxy : I got to see this galaxy in a 25 cm, and seeing well, even in this case I presume you see well in a 20 cm. It has magnitude 8 and a size of 7.1x4.4 '.

Coma Berenices : Unfortunately, in this constellation, not I have experience observing, in any case, this constellation contains many galaxies M98 (mag 10.1), M99 (mag 9.9), M100 (mag 9.3); M85 (M 9.1) , M88 (M 9.6), M91 (m 10.2), M64 (M 8.5), NGC 4565 (M 9.6).
Not all of these objects are galaxies, however, we also find globurali clusters such as M53 (m 7.5) or NGC5053 (mag 9.9)

Hydra: It 's a very large constellation, In fact, its length is over 100 °, and contains faint stars is therefore difficult to trace (from Rome I was not able to see with the naked eye). Contains several clusters, all within the range of 20 cm: M48, M68, NGC 5694.
There is a planetary nebula: NGC3242 (mag 7.8), and a spiral galaxy: M83 (mag 7.6), well visible in a second cm.

Updates will follow.


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