Monday, February 28, 2011

Mcculloch 2816 Carburetor

VampLife: thoughts, words works and omissions of a vampire in SL - episode 1

In 2007 I entered SL out of curiosity to see what it was this virtual world.
I found that it is a world in which we can express ourselves, our essence, what we have inside.
I am sensitive and romantic in nature, sometimes a bit 'eccentric
perhaps why a few days after I turned my avatar into a vampire, then there were no such things as the clan vampire or something, if you wanted a little vampire 'I went to a land with DCS (HUD combat) and then fight.
If you choose the breed vampire bite and you could then regenerated into fountains of blood.
But for me to be a vampire in SL goes far beyond this, it means above all to be consistent with the character, and ethics have a moral code.
I do not understand and do not like the fashion of the hit anime anyone to do or be vampires for a while 'for fun.
Being vampires is a serious matter, I have one daughter vampire (one converted by me), and I treasure his education, I also do not bite for fun but only for love.
The clan where have been better to follow this path, was concerned about the children and respect was a must, are values \u200b\u200bthat I still follow, because I agree on the fun, but behind every avatar is a real person and feelings are virtual.
Young avatar a few days for example, are often not good vampires do good SL player, have to grow up and get an education, understand what it is but a virtual environment of real people, each of us casts the self directly to the avatar in the virtual world often is the projection of the inner self.
So if you hit someone, remember that the other side you're doing something inside the person's ego not only to the puppet on the screen.
in serious clan eg to become vampires are real complex ceremonies.

[more ...]

Netcorus Oconnell
SL Crazy Press Reporter

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brazilian Wax Jax ,fl

H2B-Merkaba Arts & Music: Where Music and Art come to life

Sunday, February 20, from 5 am to 6 pm SLT (14:00 to 3:00 RLT), the "Merkaba-H2B Arts & Music " gave a great show with the inauguration of the homonymous sim dedicated to music and art. There have been several new locations in the island, where they were made in musical events.

The first stage has seen in 'The Valley of the sounds', the singer EddieGuitarDagger Sheryffe kick off this marathon of music by more than 10 hours. The island, as he told Eddie, is developed in three areas of communicating with each other: thread the concept of music and art .

The project is in addition to the areas of Falbo Marisa (aka Merkaba Twine), designed by Hortense Hyx Hunninton and Matt, where are exhibited her oil paintings and the Valley of Sounds Eddie Santillo (aka EddieGuitarDagger Sheryffe) also the new "The Club Reloaded" by Tanielino Benazzi, built by Kayako Blindside and the headquarters of H2B SL EVENTS whose CEO is Hyoozan Hax .

The afternoon was later entertained by performances by various artists participated: NOT A Djsound NADJA (aka Hyoozan Hax), Mary Bright (vocals), Dude Leborski DJ Absynth Zwanger Dj, Dj Kristian Sirenza, Minellos Shelman Dj-Speaker, Choise Clip (singer), Putri Naga & (singing), Dj Horatio Eche-Speaker, Marcia Brandon (pianist), Tani B. DJ (aka Tanielino Benazzi) and Jameson Djmartini Dj.

The island is very beautiful and I recommend you visit it all !

Bacetti scattered

Morghana Savira - SL CrazyPhotoReporter

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Write A Thank You In Wedding Program

Literary Competition in Second Life

SL Crazy Press                                   Italian Mood Rewind Old Lighthouse Printing

1861 WORDS

Literary Contest on the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy

In occasion of the sesquicentennial anniversary of the Unification of Italy, SL Crazy Press, Italian Mood Rewind and The Old Printworks Faro announce the literary contest "1861 Words". The initiative aims to celebrate the 150th year since completion of Unit of the Italian State in SL, by supporting the composition of literary works in prose and poetry that deal with subjects related to this event.

· The competition is open to unpublished works and is divided into two sections: Stories and Poems.
· Entries must be written in Italian.
· Tales should have a maximum length of 10 pages of 30 lines about 60 characters each.
· The poems must have a maximum length of 30 verses.
· Each contestant may submit only one composition in one of the two sections.
· The works will address topics relevant to the Risorgimento, or still rely on the Unification of Italy, with subjects and / or stories in context in that historical period or making reference to the theme.
· not permitted to participate in both sections.
· The delivery of the documents to be made Thursday, March 10, 2011.
· All entries must be submitted in Word format via email at: marjorie.fargis @ or, in SL, with a notecard Marjorie Fargis, indicating the exact name of the author.
· The works will be examined by a jury composed of a chairman and three members who will choose the three winners and finalists for each section. The decision will be final.
· The awarding of the three best papers for each section will be Thursday, March 17, 2011 at the Italian Mood land Rewind. Each winner and finalist will receive a sum in LindenDollar and the publication of his work by The Printing House of the Old Lighthouse, long active in SL for the promotion and dissemination of a literary novel.

Awards :
Section Story:
1st Prize: Publication in SL and L $ 2000
2nd Prize: Publication in SL and L $ 1000
3rd Prize: Publication in SL and L $ 500

Poetry Section:
1st Prize : a collection of poems published in 1500 and $ L
2nd prize: publication in a collection of poems and 750 L $
3rd prize: publication in a collection of poems and 350 L $

Information: notecard Marjorie Fargis

Friday, February 11, 2011

Respiratory Cancer More Condition_symptoms

Greetings Faber "story of an employee" and "good news"

Roma Centro - Piazza di Spagna

It was concluded a few nights ago, the path in memory of Fabrizio De Andrè and its wonderful songs.
E 'was really a surreal night, the first event was really great pomp land full of people and lots of guests on stage for the second installment we are immersed in an evening is much more intimate and "tender" for randomness turnout and reception of different audiences, more introspective, less noise. Among the interpreters of the Web and Second Life have exhibited on the stage and two female voices Federica Neglia Shiva Karillion the first in "the dream of Maria" taken from it "good news" in the second "Song of May" from "history of an employee" ... is it because tonight we talked specifically about these two albums considered by critics the best album of the Italian record of all time, not only for the burning issues and meaningful content, but also for the whole of musical construction and structural album that bind tightly a piece to another.
So are real works in Acts and hardly a song can be interpreted in the shadows, leaving the remaining recordings.
More guests have been left with immense pleasure "The acoustic trio" composed by Henry and Francis and Simon "The sorrowful" (Alessandra, Cynthia, Henry, Francesco, Ilaria, Letizia, Marco, Mirio, Simone ) that even today they played brilliantly and in a manner nothing short of striking some of the most difficult songs of the master.
our Frescobaldo Finally, in addition to that presented in the evening with Nadja, sang with a warmth that has thrilled the enthusiastic audience, "Way of the Cross" "The text of Titus" and "will to ask for our love "... I do not deny the last tear and to have paid some of her favorite interpretation of Faber ... oh yes, the beauty of De Andrè is that the interpreter and the listener can not remain immune to certain sounds and certain words that echo in his head and heart, creating an invisible thread that binds the artist to the public.
E 'was therefore a very special evening where everyone felt at home, it will be because of this historical period, because of the crisis, there has been identified with the subjects covered, but not angry, rather than feeling understood by who has experienced some turmoil and we told them today. The land of Rome Centre thanked all his staff Nadja Yven who conceived and carried out this project from beginning to end with tenacity and passion, radio and Paolossum opossum in people who have brought Eleanor on the internet to transmit the audio-video event, Safari Congrejo who worked on the sets tonight, Danilo us involved in the recitation of "dream number 2", which was home to Abal everything in his land and all those who contributed to this tribute was worthy of respect for Faber.
A kiss to all of your
Shiva Karillion
SL Crazy Press Reporter

Birthday Cake Motor Bike

Second Life told SMW to our friends ... Noah

I share here some links of articles related to the large demonstration in which attended by many friends (or not) of SL.

Social Media Weekend Rome: Second Life, a life not just virtual - High Tech 2.0 / social-media-week-thanks-for-ars-in-ara /

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nails Designs For Prom

Verlack: photographer in SL Virtual

The show Noah strikes me mostly for the shots in her adherence to the desired surreal shapes and colors of the avatars of Second Life, in fact, Noah is devoted to portraiture commercial and Vendor Profiles. Despite this should be at odds with my tastes, I find it still serve a purpose and that this work in his small enclose some photos not just an artistic sensibility not to mention the professionalism that shows in this field.
photos that strike me most are those pictures of intersection between sl and rl, which play on a charge of blatant eroticism and "harassing" extremely attractive.
counters Noah and blacks are his strong point, he manages through a beautiful play of light to emerge from the darkness without the casing that it shall be posted, a real fusion between the two sides of the chromatic scale.
My criticism is therefore positive and I would especially recommend the work of Noah to any builder or those who have shops and exhibitions to be managed, could really assist you in making the proposal of your products and highlight your creations.
A kiss to all of your
Karillion Shiva -
SL CrazyPress
"Hello, my name is Noah and I am a professional photographer Verlack SL.
A few months ago I embarked on this profession that sees me in RL also committed itself to this wonderful world, and thanks to my knowledge I was able to achieve some success even in Second Life. promoting the interests of my
activities and to share my passion, I organized an exhibition of photographs in my main Land, Eritros "

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lo Rena Herrera Des Nuda

reality put to use to boost soldiers' health

Virtual reality put to use to boost soldiers' health Military News - The News Tribune

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Beer Pong Table Blueprint

Life beggar
Reading Antromeda Slade

Hours 22. 30 Italian Mood Rewind