Monday, February 7, 2011

Nails Designs For Prom

Verlack: photographer in SL Virtual

The show Noah strikes me mostly for the shots in her adherence to the desired surreal shapes and colors of the avatars of Second Life, in fact, Noah is devoted to portraiture commercial and Vendor Profiles. Despite this should be at odds with my tastes, I find it still serve a purpose and that this work in his small enclose some photos not just an artistic sensibility not to mention the professionalism that shows in this field.
photos that strike me most are those pictures of intersection between sl and rl, which play on a charge of blatant eroticism and "harassing" extremely attractive.
counters Noah and blacks are his strong point, he manages through a beautiful play of light to emerge from the darkness without the casing that it shall be posted, a real fusion between the two sides of the chromatic scale.
My criticism is therefore positive and I would especially recommend the work of Noah to any builder or those who have shops and exhibitions to be managed, could really assist you in making the proposal of your products and highlight your creations.
A kiss to all of your
Karillion Shiva -
SL CrazyPress
"Hello, my name is Noah and I am a professional photographer Verlack SL.
A few months ago I embarked on this profession that sees me in RL also committed itself to this wonderful world, and thanks to my knowledge I was able to achieve some success even in Second Life. promoting the interests of my
activities and to share my passion, I organized an exhibition of photographs in my main Land, Eritros "


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