Monday, February 28, 2011

Mcculloch 2816 Carburetor

VampLife: thoughts, words works and omissions of a vampire in SL - episode 1

In 2007 I entered SL out of curiosity to see what it was this virtual world.
I found that it is a world in which we can express ourselves, our essence, what we have inside.
I am sensitive and romantic in nature, sometimes a bit 'eccentric
perhaps why a few days after I turned my avatar into a vampire, then there were no such things as the clan vampire or something, if you wanted a little vampire 'I went to a land with DCS (HUD combat) and then fight.
If you choose the breed vampire bite and you could then regenerated into fountains of blood.
But for me to be a vampire in SL goes far beyond this, it means above all to be consistent with the character, and ethics have a moral code.
I do not understand and do not like the fashion of the hit anime anyone to do or be vampires for a while 'for fun.
Being vampires is a serious matter, I have one daughter vampire (one converted by me), and I treasure his education, I also do not bite for fun but only for love.
The clan where have been better to follow this path, was concerned about the children and respect was a must, are values \u200b\u200bthat I still follow, because I agree on the fun, but behind every avatar is a real person and feelings are virtual.
Young avatar a few days for example, are often not good vampires do good SL player, have to grow up and get an education, understand what it is but a virtual environment of real people, each of us casts the self directly to the avatar in the virtual world often is the projection of the inner self.
So if you hit someone, remember that the other side you're doing something inside the person's ego not only to the puppet on the screen.
in serious clan eg to become vampires are real complex ceremonies.

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Netcorus Oconnell
SL Crazy Press Reporter


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