Friday, February 11, 2011

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Greetings Faber "story of an employee" and "good news"

Roma Centro - Piazza di Spagna

It was concluded a few nights ago, the path in memory of Fabrizio De Andrè and its wonderful songs.
E 'was really a surreal night, the first event was really great pomp land full of people and lots of guests on stage for the second installment we are immersed in an evening is much more intimate and "tender" for randomness turnout and reception of different audiences, more introspective, less noise. Among the interpreters of the Web and Second Life have exhibited on the stage and two female voices Federica Neglia Shiva Karillion the first in "the dream of Maria" taken from it "good news" in the second "Song of May" from "history of an employee" ... is it because tonight we talked specifically about these two albums considered by critics the best album of the Italian record of all time, not only for the burning issues and meaningful content, but also for the whole of musical construction and structural album that bind tightly a piece to another.
So are real works in Acts and hardly a song can be interpreted in the shadows, leaving the remaining recordings.
More guests have been left with immense pleasure "The acoustic trio" composed by Henry and Francis and Simon "The sorrowful" (Alessandra, Cynthia, Henry, Francesco, Ilaria, Letizia, Marco, Mirio, Simone ) that even today they played brilliantly and in a manner nothing short of striking some of the most difficult songs of the master.
our Frescobaldo Finally, in addition to that presented in the evening with Nadja, sang with a warmth that has thrilled the enthusiastic audience, "Way of the Cross" "The text of Titus" and "will to ask for our love "... I do not deny the last tear and to have paid some of her favorite interpretation of Faber ... oh yes, the beauty of De Andrè is that the interpreter and the listener can not remain immune to certain sounds and certain words that echo in his head and heart, creating an invisible thread that binds the artist to the public.
E 'was therefore a very special evening where everyone felt at home, it will be because of this historical period, because of the crisis, there has been identified with the subjects covered, but not angry, rather than feeling understood by who has experienced some turmoil and we told them today. The land of Rome Centre thanked all his staff Nadja Yven who conceived and carried out this project from beginning to end with tenacity and passion, radio and Paolossum opossum in people who have brought Eleanor on the internet to transmit the audio-video event, Safari Congrejo who worked on the sets tonight, Danilo us involved in the recitation of "dream number 2", which was home to Abal everything in his land and all those who contributed to this tribute was worthy of respect for Faber.
A kiss to all of your
Shiva Karillion
SL Crazy Press Reporter


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