Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Travestis En Brooklyn


Rome Center English Steps
Exhibition of Beautiful Flux
The Wonderful photo exhibition is based on the four elements, making a tour of the pictures, I am struck by some of the artist who created the overlap techicne reminiscent of the spontaneous shots made Lomography Diana also called the "mad machine" because you never know when you take that photo will run out at the time of development. Only great professional duty to know how to use the photo for artistic and the thing that amazes me is that instead of a simple Flux the Gimp can not reproduce the same effect.
There are certain images that appeal to me, mainly those in which more developed sense of image flattened transmits the avatar is disguised as color filters and fittings that are pulling in depth and wash away the hardness of the pixels.
Moving the cursor over the pictures on the walls are known to be numbered without a title so I recommend soffermari on these numbers: Roma3, 9 Roma, Roma1 ... there are also others, like the picture on Grease with Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta in the background and another beautiful on fire, in true style pin up with a woman lying on a custom. But the picture that I absolutely steals this is published here on the side where the lilies turns in "rosebud" thanks to a light source that frames a nude woman from behind, which in turn looks at a painting ... is like entering the tip of feet in a landscape full of eros, eros, but a "compound" polite, cultured, a picture window that you split up a surreal and intriguing at the same time.
The exhibition is on display for a week and I advise you to come and visit, you will be enriched by a new point of view, that sensitive and acute Flux
Wonderful Kisses to all of your Karillion Shiva! Crazy Press

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sample Wedding Program Spanish


1861 WORDS

The March 17, 2011 took the Audience Award Competition 1861 words.
Evaluation of manuscripts received has been entrusted to a jury, chaired by Pinovit Pinion, whose members are Choise Clip, Matteus Taurog and Rosanna Zabelin.
None of the members of the jury knew the names of the authors of the texts before the final vote.
Following an initial assessment of the texts has been decided to exclude those who did not meet the characteristics specified in the notice (direct communication will be sent to the authors of the excluded).
The assessment of the texts considered for selection showed the following results:

Section Tale: The homeland of
Ants: 3 votes

1 ^ Words Award 1861 for Section Stories:

Poetry Section:
Brothers 'Italy: 3 votes
S: C: V:: 3 votes
2011: 2 votes
Our Italy: Italy votes
2: 1 votes
Ode to Italy: 1 votes
his boot, and our homeland Italy : 0 votes

For the results of tie prevailed, the vote of the President of the Jury, with the following results:

1 ^ Words Award 1861 for the Poetry Section: BROTHERS OF ITALY
of amicusipporum Resident

2 ^ 1861 Words Award for Poetry Section:
SCV of Carolus Joubert

^ 3 Award for the Section 1861 words Poetry:
2011 Amedeo Copperfield

Monday, March 14, 2011

Watch Brzydula Online

1861 by Papper Papp Hello All!

thank Marjorie for the confidence:))
Crashinart In this edition of the book devoted to Crashinews in SecondLife:

Free Art in the Garden of Love The playground

Two installations to visit!

Papper Papp

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mini Super Pocket Bikes

Notredame DE PARIS in Second Life

Brunella Platania, cantattrice Roman charming interpreter of Tosca di Lucio Dalla, Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar, Perpetua in Promessi Newlyweds and more, we delight

Monday March 14, 2011 at 21:30

you expect

Make An Umbreon Shaped Cake



Kelvin I have reviewed for you, but as I said, it was the first concert I saw on second life now 3 years ago, in short, my initiation to the live virtual metaverse, not I could not free a second time.
Today, however, the difference is that they are "at home" in a land that usually does not host concerts cooked and eaten, " but will that really wants to summer carnivals and so today SPANISH STEPS ROME CENTER exploded on the notes of the blues-rocker more scathing of Second Life.
A musician of 56 years to us directly from Texas that carries with it the African American culture more dirty and melancholy, one that arises in the large delta and flows into a vast sea of \u200b\u200bBluenote.
Kelvin has left Rome Center stucco! Whether with the roar of his guitar is sweet with the slide of his dobro (resonator guitar .. to be clear that with all the metal case)
I as usual I could not help but ask him a dedication and friendly as I usually honored with the release of Taj Mahal "Mercedes Benz" of Joplin. Really incredible emotion without words.
The artist, however, is quite specialized in the repertoire Hendixiano and I say to everyone "If you can not have you can have Hendix Kelvin!" Because when an artist so you know reinterpret without insulting him too then you are a true artist humble and worthy of play and sing what you feel through the empathy of notes already written.
For those who want to live strong vibrations on their skin have only one suggestion: Kelvinblue oh!
Hugs and kisses from your

Shiva Karillion
Kisssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

High Blood Pressure Left Shoulder Pain

Support the Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami Relief with Linden Dollars

Support the Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami Relief with Linden Dollars

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Center Hawaiian Translation

VampLife: the ceremony - episode 2

Many do not know exactly what a clan, a clan is usually a pyramidal hierarchy, at the top are the King and Queen then various and any princesses and various subjects, sometimes there are bodies of guards. I was one of these guards.
The best thing of all is the ceremony transformation, which is equivalent to the marriage ceremony in SL.
as if it were today I remember the excitement.
All this in silence , In the air like a feeling of waiting, the queen dressed in white, led the future vampire altar silence was everywhere.
The moment was sacred and the profane at the same time, the words of the rite were pronounced emphatically, and after the application you want to become a vampire, the queen was to sign with his hand the altar full of human blood.
After stretching the applicant, appeared as if by magic a dagger in his right hand and in a profound gesture of love, the blood was sucked greedily, as they were doing an erotic gesture love.
teeth sunk deep in the throat, her hair covering her face, gasps in agony and pleasure.
Time seems to stand still, as his life flows slowly from the body.
Then he laid the ground for the blood vessel and, after removing the blood from the victim's body.
shed his blood in the vessel, symbolically removing the wrist and dropping the red nectar, which would enable the now lifeless human as a human to die and be reborn as a vampire.
To create a vampire you have to kill the first human took away all his humanity, then in a profound gesture of love to take off his vampire blood to revive the vampire back to life.
fact symbolizes the giving of oneself or a part of themselves, give and take is in fact a symbol of deep love, like a loving couple to receive and to love.
Finally, the gesture of the hand pointing to the new vampire queen of the end of the ceremony, the clan had a new brother.
The few vampires I have created, in my long life of a vampire, are people who love you very much, and I've never given anyone a gift just to have more souls.
I believe deeply in the way of love of vampirism, and only love would create another vampire and follows him as you follow a child.

Netcorus Oconnell
SL Crazy Press Reporter
more ...

Brazilian Wax In Santa Barbara


Land Sardinia

Concerrto Di Piero Marras

" He began his musical career as keyboardist and singer of the 2001 Group, which is located in the Italian progressive rock scene, with which publishes three well-45s and an LP until its exit from the group, which takes place in 1974. Since then, work solo .

At an early period of songs in Italian, has followed by a period, that still lasts, of songs in the Sardinian language. Their contents relate to the characters and atmosphere of the Sardinian culture. The music, sometimes inspired songwriting, among other things inspired by the sounds of folk sardo, are sometimes sweet and subdued, more fast paced. "(Wikipedia)

E 'Piero's great to have in-house, the effect is just that, feel so close and so without too many conventions ... the owner of Sardinia, Brison Sirbu, has been interviewing in a very informal retracing the steps of his career present the artist to the land that is filled savoring every word of every little memory of Marras.
A gentle girl of staff to ask how did they contact me Marras replied that the hook is just that Brison had the pleasure to know him in RL.

The evening opens with a musical piece recorded "Cantada and ballads bois" soon his wonderful second track "Just close your eyes" to the accompaniment of the choir Mariele Ventre of Sassari, I realize only now Marras not that will perform live, perhaps for technical reasons, thus more than a concert this evening could be considered an event in-depth music with a singer approach lends itself to the public through the virtual.
I ask what impression it makes him stay in the metaverse and explains that this is a way to communicate and share in second life and then also receives the reception of the public.
Barisone Marras and then talk about their defects and merits of the island of that wonderful land that is Sardinia.
It continues rapidly towards a lineup full of memories:
"Mere Manna" .. great mother, great lady, is the third piece that we listen to and because of this song in the Sardinian language is due to the Treaty discourse of world music that involved Marras and at the same time De Andrè engraving of two albums "parallel" Crueza Abbardente de Mar, one in the other Genovese dialect in the Sardinian language. Marras for this album even left the EMI did not believe in his project, but fortunately he went ahead and published it anyway with a local label, Tekno Record
a really impressive is the fourth piece, a live
Piero and Dionne Warwick in Vatican singing "Sa 'oghe' and Mary" (the voice of Mary) in honor of Maria Carta, an exciting event, the artist says, then jokes that the cardinals were all convinced that was a song dedicated to the sacred content Virgin Mary, but it was "pagan" or for the most passionate of the Charter, Sacred differently.
In various moments of confrontation with the audience that the artist endorses it brings attention to the social problems that are often piero in his songs as
"Osposidda" and a member of Second Life asks him what he thinks of what is happening in North Africa, the answer is involving and touching on the war in general and especially about the numerous military bases in Sardinia and ruining the landscape with contaminants both on land and at sea.
will close the evening and then with another piece of the complaint "Istrales" and pass the final farewell, with a burst of applause and congratulations from the entire audience.
really a precious moment for Second Life, these events are what make rich the metaverse, which break down barriers of all kinds, which are inserted gently in the heart of the people spreading the culture of each of us ...
Congratulations again to Piero Marras and all the staff of the land Sardinia.

A kiss to all of your Karillion Shiva.