Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brazilian Wax In Santa Barbara


Land Sardinia

Concerrto Di Piero Marras

" He began his musical career as keyboardist and singer of the 2001 Group, which is located in the Italian progressive rock scene, with which publishes three well-45s and an LP until its exit from the group, which takes place in 1974. Since then, work solo .

At an early period of songs in Italian, has followed by a period, that still lasts, of songs in the Sardinian language. Their contents relate to the characters and atmosphere of the Sardinian culture. The music, sometimes inspired songwriting, among other things inspired by the sounds of folk sardo, are sometimes sweet and subdued, more fast paced. "(Wikipedia)

E 'Piero's great to have in-house, the effect is just that, feel so close and so without too many conventions ... the owner of Sardinia, Brison Sirbu, has been interviewing in a very informal retracing the steps of his career present the artist to the land that is filled savoring every word of every little memory of Marras.
A gentle girl of staff to ask how did they contact me Marras replied that the hook is just that Brison had the pleasure to know him in RL.

The evening opens with a musical piece recorded "Cantada and ballads bois" soon his wonderful second track "Just close your eyes" to the accompaniment of the choir Mariele Ventre of Sassari, I realize only now Marras not that will perform live, perhaps for technical reasons, thus more than a concert this evening could be considered an event in-depth music with a singer approach lends itself to the public through the virtual.
I ask what impression it makes him stay in the metaverse and explains that this is a way to communicate and share in second life and then also receives the reception of the public.
Barisone Marras and then talk about their defects and merits of the island of that wonderful land that is Sardinia.
It continues rapidly towards a lineup full of memories:
"Mere Manna" .. great mother, great lady, is the third piece that we listen to and because of this song in the Sardinian language is due to the Treaty discourse of world music that involved Marras and at the same time De Andrè engraving of two albums "parallel" Crueza Abbardente de Mar, one in the other Genovese dialect in the Sardinian language. Marras for this album even left the EMI did not believe in his project, but fortunately he went ahead and published it anyway with a local label, Tekno Record
a really impressive is the fourth piece, a live
Piero and Dionne Warwick in Vatican singing "Sa 'oghe' and Mary" (the voice of Mary) in honor of Maria Carta, an exciting event, the artist says, then jokes that the cardinals were all convinced that was a song dedicated to the sacred content Virgin Mary, but it was "pagan" or for the most passionate of the Charter, Sacred differently.
In various moments of confrontation with the audience that the artist endorses it brings attention to the social problems that are often piero in his songs as
"Osposidda" and a member of Second Life asks him what he thinks of what is happening in North Africa, the answer is involving and touching on the war in general and especially about the numerous military bases in Sardinia and ruining the landscape with contaminants both on land and at sea.
will close the evening and then with another piece of the complaint "Istrales" and pass the final farewell, with a burst of applause and congratulations from the entire audience.
really a precious moment for Second Life, these events are what make rich the metaverse, which break down barriers of all kinds, which are inserted gently in the heart of the people spreading the culture of each of us ...
Congratulations again to Piero Marras and all the staff of the land Sardinia.

A kiss to all of your Karillion Shiva.


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