Thursday, March 10, 2011

Center Hawaiian Translation

VampLife: the ceremony - episode 2

Many do not know exactly what a clan, a clan is usually a pyramidal hierarchy, at the top are the King and Queen then various and any princesses and various subjects, sometimes there are bodies of guards. I was one of these guards.
The best thing of all is the ceremony transformation, which is equivalent to the marriage ceremony in SL.
as if it were today I remember the excitement.
All this in silence , In the air like a feeling of waiting, the queen dressed in white, led the future vampire altar silence was everywhere.
The moment was sacred and the profane at the same time, the words of the rite were pronounced emphatically, and after the application you want to become a vampire, the queen was to sign with his hand the altar full of human blood.
After stretching the applicant, appeared as if by magic a dagger in his right hand and in a profound gesture of love, the blood was sucked greedily, as they were doing an erotic gesture love.
teeth sunk deep in the throat, her hair covering her face, gasps in agony and pleasure.
Time seems to stand still, as his life flows slowly from the body.
Then he laid the ground for the blood vessel and, after removing the blood from the victim's body.
shed his blood in the vessel, symbolically removing the wrist and dropping the red nectar, which would enable the now lifeless human as a human to die and be reborn as a vampire.
To create a vampire you have to kill the first human took away all his humanity, then in a profound gesture of love to take off his vampire blood to revive the vampire back to life.
fact symbolizes the giving of oneself or a part of themselves, give and take is in fact a symbol of deep love, like a loving couple to receive and to love.
Finally, the gesture of the hand pointing to the new vampire queen of the end of the ceremony, the clan had a new brother.
The few vampires I have created, in my long life of a vampire, are people who love you very much, and I've never given anyone a gift just to have more souls.
I believe deeply in the way of love of vampirism, and only love would create another vampire and follows him as you follow a child.

Netcorus Oconnell
SL Crazy Press Reporter
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